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Snapshot of Local HBA Economic and Housing Statistics

The table allows you to compare local housing markets statistics of your HBA geography to state and national figures. For a description of the statistics provided, please visit this webpage.

For a complete list of Economic and Housing Statistics for all HBAs, please view the following spreadsheet. The spreadsheet also allows you to print the Economic and Housing Statistics for the selected HBA.

HBA Name:Greene County Chapter of NAHB
HBA Number:4464
Population - Local:68,596
Population - HBA Rank:550
Owner-Occupied Housing Units - Local:20,336
Owner-Occupied Housing Units - HBA Rank:533
Homeownership Rate (%) - Local:71.38%
Homeownership Rate (%) - HBA Rank:267
Homeowner Vacancy Rate (%) - Local:1.48%
Homeowner Vacancy Rate (%) - HBA Rank:563
Percent Single-Family Detached (%) - Local:75.16%
Percent Single-Family Detached (%) - HBA Rank:600
Median Home Value - Local ($1,000) - Local:109.80
Median Home Value - Rank ($1,000) - HBA Rank:493
Median Income of Home Owners - Local ($1,000) - Local:42.77
Median Income of Home Owners - Rank ($1,000) - HBA Rank:641
Percent Built 2000 or Later (%) - Local:21.05%
Percent Built 2000 or Later (%) - HBA Rank:195
Single Family Permits 2014 - Local:87
Single Family Permits 2014 - HBA Rank:539
SF Permit Percent Change from 2013 (%) - Local:-6.45%
SF Permit Percent Change from 2013 (%) - HBA Rank:447
Multi Family Permits 2014 - Local:7
Multi Family Permits 2014 - HBA Rank:489
MF Permit Percent (%) Change from 2013 - Local:-86%
MF Permit Percent (%) Change from 2013 - HBA Rank:485
Population - State:6,451,365
Owner-Occupied Housing Units - State:1,669,953
Homeownership Rate (%) - State:67.14%
Homeowner Vacancy Rate (%) - State:2.17%
Percent Single-Family Detached (%) - State:86.56%
Median Home Value ($1,000) - State:139.90
Median Income of Home Owners ($1,000) - State:56.40
Percent Built 2000 or Later (%) - State:20.91%
Single Family Permits 2014 - State:17,889
SF Permit Percent Change from 2013 (%) - State:8.10%
Multi Family Permits 2014 - State:9,743
MF Permit Percent (%) Change from 2013 - State:34.05%
Population - US:314,107,084
Owner-Occupied Housing Units - US:74,787,460
Homeownership Rate (%) - US:64.35%
Homeowner Vacancy Rate (%) - US:2.07%
Percent Single-Family Detached (%) - US:82.26%
Median Home Value ($1,000) - US:175.70
Median Income of Home Owners ($1,000) - US:68.14
Percent Built 2000 or Later (%) - US:17.13%
Single Family Permits 2014 - US:634,597
SF Permit Percent Change from 2013 (%) - US:2.22%
Multi Family Permits 2014 - US:411,766
MF Permit Percent (%) Change from 2013 - US:11.28%